Leadership Profile Assessment

Helping our clients locate the diamond in the rough.

Greater workforce diversity and changing organizational structures have changed organizational needs and comprehension of leadership.  Understanding leadership requires analysis of the relationship between leaders and followers.  The potential for effective leadership is revealed in many behavioral and personality styles, from charismatic visionaries to quiet team players.

Quantitative analysis can be effectively applied to executive promotion decisions.  The Adder Group Leadership Profile Assessment is designed to assist our corporate clients to quantify the level of individual competence and potential for executive promotion.  On an individual level, the Leadership Profile Assessment allows existing and potential leaders to assess and further develop their effectiveness and style of leadership.

The Adder Group Leadership Profile Assessment measures behavioral and personality styles along three main axis:

  1. Leadership Style. We seek to quantify how a potential leader is likely to respond to a leadership opportunity and function as a part of a successful team.
  2. Followership Potential.  We seek to discover what type of leadership an individual wants to support, providing a view into the contribution of the leader as an individual.
  3. Organizational Need.  Faced with different challenges and opportunities, each organization is unique in what it needs most from a leader.   We seek to develop incite into what factors best determine the greatest potential for a leader as an individual within a unique organization.

Most executives have found involvement in this assessment process and the feedback provided to be very educational and rewarding.  Beyond the potential use in making executive promotion decisions, the analysis of leadership from the unique points of view of the organization and followers presents a valuable opportunity for self-assessment and development.  The Adder Group Leadership Profile Assessment is administered on confidential bases and the results will be only shared with our clients.